Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

Revelation 21:4
Revelation 21:4

Heavenly Father,

I believe that the pain and sorrow I experience in this world will one day come to an end. I earnestly pray for Your comfort and peace to fill my heart and life. Though I am currently surrounded by much suffering and tears, I hope for the day when all these will cease, and I can experience Your complete comfort and love. Help me to hold onto Your promises amid my trials and to live with faith until that day arrives.

I entrust my tears and pain to You, trusting that all will be healed according to Your will. I desire for my wounds to be healed by Your love. As all earthly suffering ends and Your glory is fully revealed, help me to live with patience and hope, preparing for that day.

Even in all my difficulties, I wish for Your peace and comfort to be with me. While the pains of this world are temporary, I believe that Your love and comfort will be with me forever. Help me to deeply experience that love, allowing it to transform me and draw me closer to You.

Lord, I ask You to wipe away my tears and grant peace to my heart. May all the pain and sorrow of this earth pass away, and may I experience complete joy and peace in Your kingdom. As I hope for that day and wait for it, guide me to live according to Your will today.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

The world is becoming increasingly busier. As soon as we open our eyes in the morning, we check our smartphones and hurriedly prepare for the day ahead. In the midst of our daily routines, our bodies and minds are constantly in motion, and our thoughts are filled with countless concerns, leaving little room to rest. Yet, in such a life, what we often neglect the most is our Quiet Time with God.
Quiet Time is not merely a moment to pause and rest, but a time to deeply commune with God and renew our souls. When we intentionally set aside time each day to be with God, that time becomes a source of power that transforms our lives.