Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9

Heavenly Father,

When fear and anxiety come into my life, grant me the strength to move forward with courage. May I walk the path You have given me without fear, knowing with certainty that You are always with me. Even in the midst of difficulties, help me to trust in Your presence and protection, and always find courage and strength in You.

Whenever my heart is shaken, help me to hold on to Your Word, and through it, may peace and assurance overflow within me. Let me not be swayed by the voices and temptations of the world, but help me to live according to Your guidance. May my life be filled with faith, not fear, and may I move forward in the peace You provide.

Grant me the strength to faithfully follow the mission and path You have given me. Even if the way is difficult and rough, help me to move forward with unwavering faith, knowing You are with me. May I do my best in all that I am entrusted with, and be used as a tool to fulfill Your will.

I desire my life to be one that trusts in the promises You have given and lives by them. No matter the circumstances, may I live each day with the certainty that You are with me and will lead me.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

The world is becoming increasingly busier. As soon as we open our eyes in the morning, we check our smartphones and hurriedly prepare for the day ahead. In the midst of our daily routines, our bodies and minds are constantly in motion, and our thoughts are filled with countless concerns, leaving little room to rest. Yet, in such a life, what we often neglect the most is our Quiet Time with God.
Quiet Time is not merely a moment to pause and rest, but a time to deeply commune with God and renew our souls. When we intentionally set aside time each day to be with God, that time becomes a source of power that transforms our lives.